Different desks at a prop firm


Junior member
Hey guys,
I'm currently researching all the possibilities for when I graduate regarding prop firms and was interested in the infrastructure they adopt. One thing that came to mind was whether the firms operated groups for different products i.e teams that all trade the same product and report to a head of desk figure? Or once trained, is it every man for himself? For one would like to work in a team, could anyone give me any insight into how their firm is organised?
Thanks y'all
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I beleive TradeLink operate some kind of pooled desk team trading, where traders all trade together and share the collective rewards. I dont know exactly how it works as I've never spoken to anyone up there recently but there was a thread about it here: http://www.trade2win.com/boards/trading-arcades/23673-tradelink.html

Most prop firms are fairly sociable environments, but you generally would be responsible for your own account and results, so in that respect you would be on your own as far as your income goes.
I beleive TradeLink operate some kind of pooled desk team trading, where traders all trade together and share the collective rewards. I dont know exactly how it works as I've never spoken to anyone up there recently but there was a thread about it here: http://www.trade2win.com/boards/trading-arcades/23673-tradelink.html

Most prop firms are fairly sociable environments, but you generally would be responsible for your own account and results, so in that respect you would be on your own as far as your income goes.

What kind of age groups are there at most arcades? Many early 20s? Not to derail the thread, but I'm thinking of going down that route when I graduate this year, partly because I'd like to be able to socialise with and bounce ideas off other traders, and living far from London, I currently know none, which gets frustrating. I'm thinking of getting in touch with a few, maybe Marex + TCA, and seeing if they'll let me come and have a look around.
What kind of age groups are there at most arcades? Many early 20s?
Yes - most of the guys that are taken from the graduate courses are fresh grads with a splattering of older guys who have come from different career paths. There are usually quite a few ex-LIFFE pit traders too (i.e. late 30's early 40's).