Best & simplest trading method??


Junior member
most of us have spent thousands of dollars on different courses, new strategies, etc. would someone be willing to share a simple, but effective method he/she has learned and uses to trade the S&P emini. has anyone here ever bought into the Traders International program. it's the TIMES system that they use. if anyone has purchased this in the past and uses it today, i would be interested in hearing from you. thanks.
Google Donmillerblogspot

he trades the emini and made $1.5m last year

also a few price action methods in the link in my signature, some of them might help
After many years of trading and a lot of stats on historical data I am using only visual S&R with a support of RSI (14). It is like I tell my student's when they have MCQs:"Don't leave any questions unanswered. There is 33% chance you get it right". So is with using all or any indicators. Some work well for a time and under certain market conditions and the others under different set of conditions. So while we are trying to work out all the parameters we miss a good trade and take a wrong one. Of course this is a bit of exaggeration, but more or less true.

So I use very simple "trained eye" with a little crutch and it works just the same and less stress.