candles1 EDS


Legendary member
here is the modified version , without volume or price limits.Returns 318 winners 342 losers, max profit is 37%, average days is 2-7 down to 10 % profit, reward risk is 0.89- naff really! I think the logic behind the 'engulfing pattern' is not right- I'll research it and post another...


!select stocks with bigger open and close

lowis if [open]<val([close],1).
hiis if [close]>val([close],1).
cciup if val([CCI],1)<[cci].

! Price reaches a new 20 day low
PRICELO if LoVal([low],20)=[low].

svmaup if val([svma],1)<[svma] and [volume]>500.
tciup if val([tci],1)<[tci].
cls if val([close],3)>[close].
vaob if [obv pct]>0 or [va pct]>0.
phup if val([phase],3)<[phase].

buy if lowis and hiis and not pricelo.
! and tciup and cls and svmaup and vaob and phup.

!exit rules- test for dropping off of CCI or TCI or SVMA or stachastic
! these exits are very fast and may not provide maximum profits if STRICTLY adhered to....
!They WILL protect your losses faster!
CCI if val([CCI],1)>[CCI].
TCI if val([TCI],1)>[TCI].
SVMA if val([SVMA],1)>[SVMA].
STCH if val([stochastic],1)>[stochastic].
sell if CCI or TCI or SVMA or stch.