Level 2 - After Market Closes


Junior member
I'm interested in purchasing level 2. However, I was wondering if you can still see the the order book for the day at the close of market or can you only view the Level 2 data during market hours. I'm currently looking into L2 from ADVFN or Sharescope, although would anyone have any other suggestions as the best provider.

Thanks for your help!
Why do you want to use it ? what trading benefit do you think it will give you ?

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your message. Well I want learn how to scalp. I therefore would like to use L2 for the initial months on a number of shares to get a greater understanding of how it all works and how it can help with my trading and it will also give me a greater understanding of how market makers operate.

Unfortunately, some days I’m be away from my monitor therefore won’t be able to view L2 during market hours. I was therefore wondering it was possible to view the depth of the order book after market hours?

I doubt the close will be much use then - it will show you how the order book was made up after the auction. There's not really an alternative to watching it live that I know of. There might conceivably be some mileage in looking at US or Asia-Pacific shares in running, but not really ideal.
Sharescope's by far the best provider for UK shares.

You won't be able to see anything of any use after hours. Your best bet would be to use some screen capture software and record active sessions of the trading day which you can review at your leisure.
Sharescope's by far the best provider for UK shares.

You won't be able to see anything of any use after hours. Your best bet would be to use some screen capture software and record active sessions of the trading day which you can review at your leisure.

Hey that's a great idea
Thanks all for your excellent advice. Regarding the screen capture software would anyone know of any which I could use?

If you press "Shift" and at the same time press "PrtSc" then it captures your current screen that you can then paste into any application that will allow it.

I was thinking something more like Camtasia rather than just the windows static screen capture.

It will record the days events as a video (just watch the file sizes). You can get a free trial, Google it and see how you get on.
Mp --- Ahhh ---- Level 2, A Trusted And Dear Friend !

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your message. Well I want learn how to scalp. I therefore would like to use L2 for the initial months on a number of shares to get a greater understanding of how it all works and how it can help with my trading and it will also give me a greater understanding of how market makers operate.

Unfortunately, some days I’m be away from my monitor therefore won’t be able to view L2 during market hours. I was therefore wondering it was possible to view the depth of the order book after market hours?


a free program, MWSNAP 3, avail on zdnet and others, does an admirable job of screen capture, with amazing clarity, the ability to resize your page and pointers and stuff. cant go wrong with the price !

Now a bit about level 2, which I use on my MB account ---- having come out of equities years ago, level 2 was indeed necessary and one could not flip (SCALP is no longer a correct term, as "scalpers" went the way of the dinosaur when the SOES bandits stopped working in the very late 90's and the market turned to decimals and not 16ths. by doing that, the market prevented the ability of sliding between the bid and ask that was the scalpers stock in trade, so now we "flip" for a larger amount of points --- just a historic note !)

when flipping, it is best to know your trends and support and resistance, and trade that way --- as you watch, the level 2 numbers change constantly, but when its heading for your chosen tp point, you will see the number of shares increase tremendously as your tp point approaches, confirming your choice --- if you see strong numbers increasing OVER your tp point, your choice now as to move your tp point or not, as those bidding those numbers MAY or MAY NOT be correct, not to forget they may also be playing longer timeframes than you are playing. Also remember that mm's are playing the ECN game and they can "plant" deceptive asks to get you to go higher on your tp point --- high enough NOT to be able to sell !

level 2 is a great tool when used correctly, but (at least to my way of thinking) you should ALREADY know your entry and exit points beforehand --- level 2 on forex moves so rapidly that you have to be ABSOLUTELY SURE of where you want to go, because with its many ups and downs and headfakes, it can force you to exit at a loss if youre not positive about where youre going.

other words, because of the market playing every timeframe and every timeframe influencing what you see on level 2, without a decent amount of experience you can get easily stopped out or bail because you see the price moving completely away from your tp point.

on the other hand, used correctly and with experience, its values show you the market as it exists at that moment, and can be a great help in confirming your chosen exit points !

its a tad trickier than it looks at first glance, but its learnable and useful and i wouldnt do without it, although i dont trade from it !

enjoy and trade well

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as you watch, the level 2 numbers change constantly, but when its heading for your chosen tp point, you will see the number of shares increase tremendously as your tp point approaches, confirming your choice

By this do you mean Time and Sales ? The reason I ask is that it is very common for MM to show a size of 1 and in reality be transacting thousands by refreshing their quote. As you say they also do the opposite by showing large size and then dropping away when price approaches their quote.

I used to use Level 2 as a means to reduce risk at market entry (around 4 years ago) but have since found it not to be necessary as long as I am trading in the direction of the prevailing current trend.

By this do you mean Time and Sales ? The reason I ask is that it is very common for MM to show a size of 1 and in reality be transacting thousands by refreshing their quote. As you say they also do the opposite by showing large size and then dropping away when price approaches their quote.

I used to use Level 2 as a means to reduce risk at market entry (around 4 years ago) but have since found it not to be necessary as long as I am trading in the direction of the prevailing current trend.


my experience agrees with yours Paul ---- level 2 and time and sales are simply tools, usable tools but simply tools. They are a bit more important when trading equities, because of the shorter day and faster action. While as a retail trader, what a mm has "iceberged" is usually of no interezt to ME, although definitely of interest to other mm's, but when you see the prices building volume in the direction of your tp point, you begin to get a more warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

fully agree about "prevailing current trend", as youve seen me spout off about it a few thousand times myself.
