Level II training


Hello all, first-time poster here.

I've read quite a few threads around t2w's forums, especially regarding level II, and am now wondering about training. I've seen some discussion on the 1-2-1 course and the like, but I'm wondering if it is possible to receive "live" training from a professional without it being in person ? (I doubt many Nasdaq pro's live in my area which is Quebec).

I am aware that such a method might prove difficult, but perhaps there is something available out there that I haven't read about yet.

Thank you in advance, keep up the great work around the forums !
Why do you think that you need training on Level II and not on other aspects of trading ?

Trader333 said:
Why do you think that you need training on Level II and not on other aspects of trading ?


I most certainly do. I must say I have a solid background in t/a, but that's about it, so I definitely can improve on many aspects. The reason I focused my post on level 2 is because I'm a trainee in a prop trading firm where they specialize in ECN credit making (which is very level 2-intense). I want to improve my level 2 skills so that I can in turn improve my credit making and hopefully start spreading more.
If you're a trainee in a prop firm there are opportunities to get a significantly structured and graduated entree into LII a lot closer to home!
TheBramble said:
If you're a trainee in a prop firm there are opportunities to get a significantly structured and graduated entree into LII a lot closer to home!

I wish it was that simple, but it seems the traders in charge are much more interested in their own P/L than in teaching us live.
theEdge said:
What's credit making?

When your order if filled through an ECN on direct access, you receive liquidity credits (differing for every ECN, ADFN being the most profitable). Credit making is essentially making multiple flat trades while making sure your orders are getting filled instead of filling others', thus making money off ECN credits,.
Try OTA . Online Trading Academy , l think thier website is in conjunction with Actionforex.com.