Simple Intraday charts


I have recently started to spreadbet on the dow using cmc . Their intraday charts do not go back very far before they lose shorter time period detail. I simply want a series of end of day charts like you see on the yahoo website each day. Is it possible to get hold of say a year of these charts without using a sophisticated trading tools. I asked yahoo if backdates of their dow charts were available and they said that they currently were not .
If possible I would also like to see preopening trading detail like you can see on the cmc charts.
Any suggestions?
Ian, YM is currently 120 pts (ish) off long term resistance. What are you going to do? Will it make it? I'll give you a tip matey......don't trade tomorrow. Rude.
Thankyou for your advice Rudeboy. But I am thinking of more to long term trading and would appreciate advice as to whether the dow charts are easily available in the simplistic format I mentioned or will I need to subscibe to say sierra charts or tradestation and download ascii data. I was hoping to avoid doing so and making things complicated .