Can someone please help me to allocate mt4 Engulfing Bar Indicator?


Can someone please help me to locate / or to kindly code mt4 engulfing indicator according to these original rules:

Engulfing Bar structure:

Theengulfing bar as it states in its title isformed when it fully consumes the previous candle. The engulfing bar can engulfmore than 1 previous candle but to be considered an engulfing bar at least 1candle must be fully consumed.

When looking for Engulfing bars we are looking for the large and very obvious barsthat stick out. The bigger the Engulfing bar the better to trade as Engulfingbars are momentum bars, and we want to trade with momentum on our side! Thebigger the bar, the bigger the momentum!

Engulfing bar to be a tradeable, Engulfing bar are:

1: Must be large and obvious,

2: Must form at a swing point.

3.Must consume I previous candle, stronger if it consumes 2 or 3 candles.

I would highly appreciate it.
There are a few of such floating around. Just keep searching.
I've seen a few on FF.