Looking for a new email setup


Active member
I've been a somewhat happy user of Eudora Pro for a number of years, but it's getting to the stage that the limitations are outweighting the advantages.

What I want:
A single email database
Accessible by multiple users, using a rich client
Good filtering / agents
Ability for a single client to access multiple accounts
Multiple different clients (or different user interfaces to cope with different skill levels)
Single download from my ISP for multple accounts.
Free / cheap

In a bit more detail.
I have a number of email accounts. I want to be able to download all of those from my ISP / POP3 email providers, in one hit - don't want each user to have to download their own mail

For each user, I want them to be able to view, in one place, all the mail for all the accounts that belong to them. So, for example, I might have accounts [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], etc, and my 'other half' might have [email protected], [email protected]. When I log on, I want to be able to see all of the zax accounts in one place; when the missus logs on, I want her to be able to see all her mail.

I want an 'expert' / knows what I'm doing user interface for my client and a simpler interface for her indoors.

I think what I need is an SMTP server, and some sort of client. I do not want Outlook/Outlook Express as a client - too many viruses targeted at it.

Any suggestions?
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Agreed entirely about Outlook/(Express). You might have a look at www.fastmail.fm . I'm not technical enough to know if it will produce everything you need (which might make this post a waste of your time, in which case apologies), but it's certainly very good indeed and not expensive. For each of the last 3 years it's won the "email server of the year award" or something similar in one of the computer magazines.
I have been using Pegasus Mail for ages and really like it. It has none of the security issues of Outlook and most of the functionality... www.pmail.com
