Dow to collapse ??? MCGF ?

Salty Gibbon

Experienced member
MCGF, I have noticed that your prediction for the DOW at the end of this week is 33.

Are you expecting an event of cataclysmic proportions that will wipe out the entire market capitalisation of all companies in the USA ?

Are you in fact predicting the end of the world ?

Moved to T2W Competitions forum, please take care to create new threads in the most appropriate forum. In this case I think you'll agree the forex forum wasn't the best choice! Thanks.
I am relieved that we are probably not facing the end of the world at the Friday close.
Sorry about that Sharky.

In my excitement I sometimes forget which forum I am posting in.

You must admit that a possible end of the world scenario is a pretty exciting event for the markets.
So If you short it at £100 a point you will be doing very nicely. Of course you wont be able to spend your winnings.