List of trading arcades


Can anyone please help?

I seem to remember there being a pretty comprehensive list of all the trading
arcades and satellite offices with contact info somewhere on this website but just can't find it.

Am I looking in the wrong place or has this feature been removed?

Any help much appreciated.
Never did see a black-star on Elite -Trader,but yes I am $preader on E-T,as I am
here.What do you call moaning about Eurex?The fact that some a$$hole has been spoofing Schatz in 10,000 lots all week making monkeys out of all of us,or the handy programme that goes bid/offered for 5,000 EuroStoxx for 1 second to ensure that you can't get filled then quickly goes bid/offered 3 ticks away.The best part is that the Exchange let them them get away with it and anyone who complains is branded a nuisance/lone complainer - what a joke.

Or have I said something you disagree with?

Thanks for the link BTW.
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I don't post on there, one message board is enough for me so i just browse it!

I don't disagree with what you are saying is a nuisance, just in my opinion i don't think think it is as bad as a few of you guys made out, From what i remember there was a pretty negative vibe about the possibility's of making money on Eurex.
I don't watch the Schatz so i cant comment, but regarding the Eurostoxx with the 5k bid offer flipping, the market responds in the same way most of the time from my observations, people just start trying to hit the 5k which is impossible to hit. Instead of complaining about all the money these machines have cost you, wouldn't it be an idea to see what the market usually does in response and use it for yourself as an edge, i rarely see the market flip 3 ticks away just because of somebody's large order!

Is it the fact that these bid offers cannot be hit which annoys you? Or does it effect the spread traders more than directional traders?
To be honest I've only ever wanted to warn people who might be unaware what is happening in the markets before they get involved so they can make a decision on what market/contract to trade with all the facts.

No-one will ever convince me that these programs haven't been detrimental to human participation.With worldwide access to the markets growing the volume traded in 2007 for bund,bobl and schatz was down compared to 2006,the first year ever for Eurex,bund volume down a whopping 14%,schatz 14% and bobl 4%.I hear about arcades closing down in London,people who can't compete.

Does this mean no-one can make money on Eurex?Of course not,but everyone should know what is going on.Spread trading across the bund/bobl/schatz curve is so computer driven,unless you are position taking it is a big waste of time,it is the only way to trade it so the spoofers don't actually affect me any more but I will always find this sort of activity offensive.I'm assuming it's affected other people though in terms of doing volume and making money,that is why their volumes have dropped despite the markets being busier than ever.
Speaking of Stoxx spoofing, it got taken to a whole new level today lmao, anybody else observe the fun today?
I didn't notice. But I got bummed on a lot of bad fills. My student lost a couple of grand on bad fills.

Please could someone describe this spoofing malarky with an in depth example? I don't normally watch the outrights, though I have noticed lots of 100+ CAC orders flashing around the order book over the last week.
I didn't notice. But I got bummed on a lot of bad fills. My student lost a couple of grand on bad fills.

Please could someone describe this spoofing malarky with an in depth example? I don't normally watch the outrights, though I have noticed lots of 100+ CAC orders flashing around the order book over the last week.

There is not a lot to it, Huge size is posted on the bids & offers, but you cant hit it, if you try to, it will be pulled before you can.
Usually what happens is the the price been spoofed gets flipped bid to offered/ offered to bid. Today though Bids and offers where been pumped up both sides at the same time, made the fun even more fun today!