Pop up ads


Legendary member
I just started getting pop up ads when I load every page. This is very annoying on an iPhone as you have to zoom out to find the damned thing and then click on a tiny x to close it. Is it just me or did something change? I think the ads in posts are back too but of course that was just a technical issue (well it was when Oanda ads appeared in PC at CMCs posts)
No pop ups here. I'm on Google Chrome. I don't get any ads in the posts either since it was supposedly fixed, but occasionally an ad will appear to the far right, off screen, so that I'd have to scroll to see it.

I am using an iPad right now and these ads are really annoying. It keeps moving up and down when I scroll, T2W really needs to fix this.
I am using an iPad right now and these ads are really annoying. It keeps moving up and down when I scroll, T2W really needs to fix this.

Yes and ads in posts are back, also I have to sign in again every time I want to post.