< 1£ / stake


Junior member
Are there any spreadbetting companies who let you bet for less than 1£ per stake?
I know of City Index and Finspreads but I have read some bad reviews on them.

What's the point of spread betting for tiny stakes? The only advantage is to save tax and if you're not making big money you might as well use any normal broker. AvaFX.com allows you to stake $0.10 per pip on a huge range of instruments.
Are there any spreadbetting companies who let you bet for less than 1£ per stake?
I know of City Index and Finspreads but I have read some bad reviews on them.

At VDM Markets and Iflex Markets (same provider) you can open an SB account in different currencies. Also at the newcomer Dealingdesk you have the possibility to open account in different currencies. I hope this help.

Good Luck!
Some minimum stakes info i received by email if its any use to
any of you guys/gals
Dear Ged

The current minimum stake on the following are (this is subject to change)

GBP/USD 0.11
EUR/GBP 0.24

OIL (light crude oil fut) 0.10
GOLD, daily 0.10

FTSE, daily 0.34
DOW, daily 0.11

Kind Regards

VDM Global Markets