Increasing stake size


I am currently using spreadbetting (CMC) for make small stake bets (£1/£2) on the FT100 and Dow. I've no system as such - I just look for moments when I think the spreadbetters have mispriced - particularly just before the open. The thing is, I'd like to increase my bet size. Has anyone found any issues with this - i.e. do the spreadbetters treat you differently / do they change tactics when you go from taking £30 per day off them to taking say £150 per day?
SBs rarely misprice in the punters' favour. If you've been doing well without a system you probably have a system. But allow me to ask you, how long have you been operating this way and how many trades have you placed? What's your Win:Loss ratio?

I ask not out of impertinence, but with a sneaking suspicion. The suspicion is, if you’ve been doing this successfully for more than 12 months, you probably do have a system and haven’t realised it. If you’ve been doing this successfully for less than 12 months, you may have a system, but I wouldn’t be thinking about increasing stake size yet – certainly not until you’ve identified objectively what it is you are doing. It’ll take all the fun out of it, but I’d be looking to understand what it is I’m doing from an objective viewpoint so that I could make sure I had a system that acknowledges what action I need to take and not take under any circumstance. Especially the bit that says ‘stay out until you know what’s really going on’.

As for going from £30/day to £150/day it’s not going to raise a ripple on their radar. Yet.
Definitely no system - I haven't been running it longer than about 2 months and the risk / reward ratio is pretty horrendous by normal money management standards. I have no stops in place except a 'catastrophe' stop to prevent me being wiped out. I realise this breaks all the orthodox rules....

Anyway, gald to hear that I won't cause any ripples if I end up upping the ante. Thanks for your reply...