Risk Management

Joe Ross

Active member
Is trading easy or hard? To the outside observer, trading seems easy enough. You merely pick what you want to trade, bet it will go up or down, execute a trade and see what happens. What's the big deal? If it were that easy, however, everyone would be doing it and making millions. Unfortunately, it is not that easy, especially in a sideways market or one that fluctuates wildly. In a strong bull market like we saw during the dot-com boom, amateur traders merely opened an online account and watched their account balances balloon. It all changed in 2000, though. We've seen a taste of "the good old days" in the past month, but even when the masses are interested and prices go up, trading is not easy. You have to work at it, and hard, to make profits across a series of trades.

Successful trading is part financial resources, part trading strategy, and part psychology. Suppose that you had a simple trading strategy. You might decide to find markets that temporarily went down on general weak economic news, but by all indications, the markets should increase when clearer heads prevail. You look at all the information, and decide to develop a trading method based on "seller's remorse." That is, you anticipate that there will be those investors who sold in a panic on weak economic news and will buy back when they realize that the markets were still good buys. But there's more to it than good trading strategy. You must also decide how much capital you will devote to the strategy. On any one trade, you might risk 2-3%, but not all of your picks will go up in the way you had planned. Trading is also part mathematics. Some of your trades will come through, but others will not. You have to decide how many trades you will make and how much you will risk. And if you have the stomach to risk that much.

If you have relatively low financial resources, taking a 20% risk may be hard to handle. You may feel it would be a disaster if your approach did not realize a substantial profit. Psychologically, taking the risk can be anxiety provoking to say the least. A jumble of thoughts may race through your mind as you execute the trades, and monitor them. As you anxiously await the outcome, you may barely be able to think clearly as your emotions overpower you.

What do you do if you can't tolerate risk? An obvious solution is to simply take less of a risk. You may not want to make all 10 trades, for example. Instead, look for two or three of the 10 that are the most likely to produce a profit. You do not stand to make as much, but you are not likely to lose as much either. And if you have trouble tolerating risk, the piece of mind you get instead will probably be worth more than the profits you could have made, considering the financial and psychological risks it would require. What are the long-term consequences? On the one hand, it may seem that you will never make huge profits in the markets if you are not willing to take risks. After all, seasoned, professional traders put on big trades and it doesn't bother them. But you must decide if taking such big risks would be in your best interests. And until you are confident that you can make profits in market to market, you might want to hone your trading skills before taking big risks.

Don't downplay the importance of risk management. There are financial and psychological benefits for limiting risks. A hard reality of trading is that there are few foolproof trading strategies. Even the most reliable strategy is bound to fail eventually. Market conditions frequently change, and when they do, your strategies must be changed also. The trouble is that you don't know when a strategy will fail or when it will not beforehand. Your best defense against the sporadic changes in market conditions is to limit your risk. If you limit your risk, you'll be able to survive the learning curve, and eventually, become one of the select few who profits big from trading the markets.
Hi there!
For the other members to understand, I also provided a definition of RISK MANAGEMENT:
according to wikipedia.org:

Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks (defined in ISO 31000 as the effect of uncertainty on objectives, whether positive or negative) followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events[1] or to maximize the realization of opportunities. Risks can come from uncertainty in financial markets, project failures, legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents, natural causes and disasters as well as deliberate attacks from an adversary. Several risk management standards have been developed including the Project Management Institute, the National Institute of Science and Technology, actuarial societies, and ISO standards.[2][3] Methods, definitions and goals vary widely according to whether the risk management method is in the context of project management, security, engineering, industrial processes, financial portfolios, actuarial assessments, or public health and safety.
The strategies to manage risk include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk.
Certain aspects of many of the risk management standards have come under criticism for having no measurable improvement on risk even though the confidence in estimates and decisions increase.

In order to earn despite of risks, we should know first of what would be the outcome, whether it would be positive or negative. I know, risk might be hard, especially if risking money is involved. As an investor, you must know how to make a decision that could help on responding with the negative issues on business.
Exactly risk management is really important to avoid disaster and heavy loss while trading. But many traders forget the importance of risk management while trading by seeking more profit.
In days gone by, the folder name for one of my strategies was S2T. Survive to thrive. It helped me focus on choosing strategies with less volatility in my account balance and introduced me to the Gambler's Ruin concept calculations.
Basically Risk Management is a magazine dedicated to issues of interest to practicing risk managers. It is published by the Risk and Insurance Management Society. Now risk management is performing a vital role in education society and many institutions started practicing risk management studies, as we think about risk so the possibility of loss and determining how to handle these exposures through practices such as avoiding the risk, retaining the risk, reducing the risk, or transferring the risk, all these things are come under head of risk management.Thanks for all your patience.
Good lord, who woulda thunk it? Smth halfway sensible from ole Joe. Zut alors, c'est Incroyable!


Trading is both easy and hard. It depends upon traders how they take it easy or hard. If trader is well familiar with trading strategies, software, trading platform and some other advance tool and techniques then it is easy for him. On the other hand, new trader feel it hard due to lack of trading experience and knowledge.
Saw the thread title and author and thought someone else had come back from the dead this weekend.
Risk management is the important thing in forex trading. If a person can’t handle this properly that person can lose more money.
Risk management is very much important in the forex trading business because protecting the asset is very much critical to survive in the forex market.
Risk management is very much important in the forex trading business because protecting the asset is very much critical to survive in the forex market.

Where do these guys come from -replying to very old posts !
True, trading seems easy at the starting but when we spend more and more time we understand the complication involved and the need for implementing good risk management.