In the banking world ??


Legendary member
In the banking world just exactly WHO appoints who ?

Since they have collectively made such a right ****-up I think this question must be asked.

As I understand it the non-executive directors appoint the bank's directors. Strange that the big 4 bank Ceos, in last week's interrogation did not have a banking qualification between them. On what grounds are they appointed ?

And that begs the question - just WHO appoints non-executive directors ?

Hopefully someone will know !

The non-execs should be hauled before the Parliamentary Committee to explain their obvious failures !
In the banking world just exactly WHO appoints who ?

Since they have collectively made such a right ****-up I think this question must be asked.

As I understand it the non-executive directors appoint the bank's directors. Strange that the big 4 bank Ceos, in last week's interrogation did not have a banking qualification between them. On what grounds are they appointed ?

And that begs the question - just WHO appoints non-executive directors ?

Hopefully someone will know !

The non-execs should be hauled before the Parliamentary Committee to explain their obvious failures !

CEO's are marketeers
CEO's are marketeers

Thanks. I thought I had better google marketeers just in case I didn't know. At the very first site I found

Marketeers Carnival Club
Welcome to our web site built for us by Bridgwater Photos
Last updated 30-01-09

“Hi first can we say a big Thank-you to the person who donated to our paypal account in 2008 we raised a grand total of £1

We hope that we can do better in 2009 so we thought we would give you an incentive to donate. Our great plan is, that If we have not raised £100 by carnival this year, this web site will be replaced by a video of the Marketeers legendry bus chaser Kevin ‘Grover’ Grover Dancing naked and if you thought that was bad enough he will be singing, please spare us from a fate like this and help to build another great year for Marketeers CC by clicking on the paypal link and donating whatever you can.

Remember, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, the grand total is currently £1.00 so please get donating”

Looks like they are a bit strapped for cash too !!

Another load of clowns it seems

it's a w*nkword invented by the biggest and most productive stable of w*nkword creators ....i.e. people who do marketing

here's a definition;

   /ˌmɑrkɪˈtɪər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [mahr-ki-teer] Show IPA Pronunciation

a person who sells goods or services in or to a market.


1825–35; market + -eer

(marketeer definition |