Profitability and Systematic Trading Book


Active member
Last week Michael Harris made available a free copy of the book. It's an introductory book but with many interesting views about trading. The pdf can be found in this page under free books. I thought chapters 1, 2 and 5 were most useful.
Hi Solas,

I am also generating pricepatterns with selfmade code and have some good results. I would like to buy something professional like Priceaction Lab.

Could you please give your opionion about Priceaction Lab and on which
markets you found it to be working? On what timeframe?


Last week Michael Harris made available a free copy of the book. It's an introductory book but with many interesting views about trading. The pdf can be found in this page under free books. I thought chapters 1, 2 and 5 were most useful.