The Jubilee: how will you celebrate


Legendary member
The jubilee is just around the corner.
The nice, rare, sunny british weather is training for this bank holiday by having a colossal downpour yesterday.

Street party, private party, long pub session, or just not bothered?
Although on the wrong side of public opinion (at the moment) life long republicans like me will be looking forward to the end of her reign and the likely outpouring of displeasure at Charles's accession, which might prompt some more to come over to our side and end this outmoded irrelevant archaic institution and so topple the system of top down power, paternal protection and hereditary privelege which impedes our chaances of moving forward as a modern 21st century democracy - of the people for the people and by the people. Gotta go and polish my soapbox now.


The jubilee is just around the corner.
The nice, rare, sunny british weather is training for this bank holiday by having a colossal downpour yesterday.

Street party, private party, long pub session, or just not bothered?
I might spend the day listening to some anarcho punk. Feeding of the 5000 by Crass will fit the occassion suitably.
Although on the wrong side of public opinion (at the moment) life long republicans like me will be looking forward to the end of her reign and the likely outpouring of displeasure at Charles's accession, which might prompt some more to come over to our side and end this outmoded irrelevant archaic institution and so topple the system of top down power, paternal protection and hereditary privelege which impedes our chaances of moving forward as a modern 21st century democracy - of the people for the people and by the people. Gotta go and polish my soapbox now.


Get yea to Australia.........Regular boats still running and a Criminal record is now not compulsory .....:p
Get yea to Australia.........Regular boats still running and a Criminal record is now not compulsory .....:p

Australia has yet to escape from the yoke of tyranny I fear, we'll have to go further afield.

Not sure why anybody would want to 'celebrate' the descendants of foreign invaders who subjugated and enslaved our ancesters and continue to exploit us to this day. It seems like some collective form of Stockholm Syndrome to me, presumebly magnified by the sheer numbers of those affected.

I think it's time we relegated the feudal class system to history and got jiggy with the 21st century.

Republican party for me :)
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it seems the younger person is more likely to be republican?
However, even though I am an oldie republican I will still attend any nearby street party if free food and drink is in the offing:)
Well I shall be enjoying it very much. Who else do you want for your head of state, Tony Blair, Katie Price, Jedward, Cheryl Cole? Let's face it that's the sort of clown who'd get voted in so be careful what you wish for I'd say.

And what would the less political correct amongst us do for entertainment without Prince Phillip?
Who else do you want for your head of state, Tony Blair, Katie Price, Jedward, Cheryl Cole? Let's face it that's the sort of clown who'd get voted in so be careful what you wish for I'd say.

Never been a huge fan of Churchill, bit I do agree with him when he said:

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
Well I shall be enjoying it very much. Who else do you want for your head of state, Tony Blair, Katie Price, Jedward, Cheryl Cole? Let's face it that's the sort of clown who'd get voted in so be careful what you wish for I'd say.

And what would the less political correct amongst us do for entertainment without Prince Phillip?

At least you can vote them out at the next election. I personally prefer the irish/German/Israeli model (there are others-U.s for eg) - ie they all have figurehead presidents who are elected - ie the people have their say and as you correctly state above - anyone can become head of state - no matter what the circumstances of their birth.

Hereditary privilege is just plain wrong - in our new republic we would seperate church and state, end the house of lords in favour of a reformist elected slimmed down upper chamber, do away with all hangers-on - Dukes, Earls, Baronets, Lords etc , end the ridiculous honours system, split the executive from the legislature and generally create a meritocracy where power runs bottom up not top down.

We would return the country to the people and not just via symbols but real practical measures that give people the chance of a stake in society with hard work and responsibility. For eg we would nationalise the credit reference agencies so there was just one for any consumer credit and mortgages could again only be 2.5 x income with unsecured credit capped at 20% of take home income. We would actively encourabge the halving of house prices and tax 2nd homes at 100% of their value per year etc etc...

As citizens (not subjects) we would all sign an agreement with the state outlining the rights and concurrent responsibilities and if we broke it there would be penalties. Citizenship rights and reponsibilities would be taught in school. Respect of the state and the law would be re-instated and institutions such as the Police modernised to reflect the new raelitiesd and start to earn back that respect.

We could cut crime in half in 5 years - but that is another story and my soap box is getting worn again.

Just means a few days off work for me, so probably lots of all day drinking sessions in pubs and at mates BBQ's and stuff.
Maybe get on the crackpipe a bit. I don't know.
I'll be trading as usual, can't imagine why anyone would want to celebrate anything to do with a long line of murderers, torturers and heartless bar stewards.
it seems the younger person is more likely to be republican?
However, even though I am an oldie republican I will still attend any nearby street party if free food and drink is in the offing:)

Ahhh, freefreshments! My favorite. :clap:
