Short term small risk investment ideas?


Established member
Hi All,

Wondering if any of you can give some ideas on short term small risk investments?

To help illustrate, I am looking to invest in a stocks and shares ISA over the next x years. My strategy will probably be that of holding onto around 5 shares at a time over periods from 1 to 12 months. Some months my ISA may only be invested in 1 or 2 shares (20% and 40% of my ISA respectively). As I am looking to review each month, there could be as much as 80% of my ISA (if I have invested in only 1 share) NOT doing anything for me. Please could any of you list possibilities of where this money could be placed so it is at least making some money (however small)? Obviously commission could have an impact on any gain possibly negating any advantage of investing at all? So it maybe better to leave the money doing nothing? One important point: I do not want to increase my stock size to make up the deficit as I deem this too risky come a recession or bad combination of results.

If anybody could give me some ideas/pointers I would be very grateful.
Please also note that I would like to keep the money in the stocks and shares isa, as funds will be needed in the following months.
If you're going to need the money then don't do it... downside is theoretically all of it!

I believe investing in stocks should only be done with 20 year horizons minimum. Otherwise trading intraday makes considerably more sense (although you will be unable to do that in an ISA unfortuantely and I wouldnt' recommend trading stocks anyway)
Thanks ArabianNights, I am happy with the risk. Though I can appreciate your point from a market efficiency perspective - I don't believe the markets are 100% efficient. But won't go into that here. Hopefully my journal will prove there is "value" to be had by looking at a company's fundamentals and buying when (considered) a value price. The short-term nature of such trades is when the price no longer appears value so the stock is sold and replaced with another with more value (from my research in certain cases this may last for a year or 2).

I was hoping there could be some kind of ETF working similar to a bank's interest rate or some kind of very short term treasury bond that could be bought? Or anything else you gurus with much more knowledge could point me in the right direction?