Which Software


Well-known member
I have been trading 'manually' for some time now, but I really need to get some more sophisticated software. The info I need to download to this software are EOD feeds for FTSE 100, 250, Nasdaq and S&P 100. I then need to 'program' this software to be able to pull out stocks based on my specific trading criteria, e.g. consecutive up, down days, followed by high volume swings.

Does anyone know what software would do the job? Also, what feeds would I need to subscribe to? I currently get Reuters info for UK, plus ADVFN US feeds.

Also, do I need Exel?

Your help is much appreciated.
Look at the software guide and associated reviews. It seems from what you say that Sharescope might do what you need but I'm not sure about the NASDAQ data
Updata TA for EOD is very good with a huge range of eod data available but a bit more expensive.
Metastock eod is very good softwarebut you will need to buy it and pay for a datafeed which is included in the price of the other two. Remember that after you buy a program like metastock you own it and the data you have collected. With the other two you lease the software and it becomes unuseable if you stop paying the rent.The data you have collected may be useable on other software but this is too complex to go into here. You must always check with the software supplier that it will do what you want before purchase and also be sure of what data source you are using. Most vendors have free trial periods

Your Reuters data should fit with Metastock and I think that ADVFN would be ok with that too but you must check. If you decide on Metastock You should ask specific questions on the Metsatock thread as thwere are expert users there who will be able to help.

You will only need to have Excel if you wish to perform operations on the data that the software cannot - programming Excel for some things can be quite time consuming.

starspacer said:
I have been trading 'manually' for some time now, but I really need to get some more sophisticated software. The info I need to download to this software are EOD feeds for FTSE 100, 250, Nasdaq and S&P 100. I then need to 'program' this software to be able to pull out stocks based on my specific trading criteria, e.g. consecutive up, down days, followed by high volume swings.

Does anyone know what software would do the job? Also, what feeds would I need to subscribe to? I currently get Reuters info for UK, plus ADVFN US feeds.

Also, do I need Exel?

Your help is much appreciated.
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