Need New Honest Broker


Hello All,

Recently received bad news...I have been demo trading the American mini indices, Dow, Nasdaq, S&P500 at, and I was planning to go live Nov due a policy change , FxPro does not accept Americans living in the USA anymore, policy changed in late Sept, I never received an email warning me of this change...needless to say I am disappointed I need to find a broker that offers the mini American indices (or micro) futures contracts.

If anyone out there knows of a broker that:

1. Is honest (or as close as possible)
2. Requires a low deposit ($500-$1500)
3. Preferrable PayPal funding...
4. NO problems (at all) withdrawing winning funds or otherwise
5. Broker you may have had first hand experience with...?
6. Good, knowledgable customer service...
7. Does not spike, S/L hunt or other shady tricks, or at least minimal...
8 Prefer MT-4 platform, but not necessary...
9. Accepts scalping (to a degree)
I would be extremely grateful for any suggestions, I am going through the Forex Peace Army reviews, most are forex, but some have mini-index trading. Also if someone knows of more broker review websites, that would help also.

Thank you for your time, Best trading to all, Ed
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If u are referring to futures market, I doubt any brokerages will accept paypal funding. That goes against U.S gov regulation. Also, I doubt any brokerages will accept $500 - $1500 minimum to open account. The average is $2K - $3K.
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Many forex brokers also provide mini contracts for dow, nasdaq, S&P500, in fact FxPro was one and the minimum was $1000, and there are others, but most I have found far...seem to have bad search goes on... Thank you for responding