Career advice


Junior member
i'm currently looking for a job but given the current **** state of affairs am finding it difficult to find anything that might lead onto something better in the future or serve as relevant experience.
i graduted a couple of years ago with a 2:1 in Accounting & Economics and have A levels - Economics A,maths D, IT E. Since leaving uni i spent some time working in the Private Client dept. of a private banking institution as a desk assistant to the advisory brokers and investment management team. During which time I also sat the SII Securities paper.

I've read alot of other posts on here with people seeking career advice who don't seem to have much idea about what they want to do or what the different job roles involve. Whilst this is vague & covers a broad spectrum, my main requirements are that i want to be involved in understanding and interacting with the markets - trading, broking, analysis.
Broking - the only stock broking jobs i can find are working for small cap/AIM brokers making millions of calls a day selling ****e to anyone you can. I don;t mind the idea of working in a sales environment but think you need to have some confidence in the product you are selling and not just be driven by commissions. I liked the PC dpt i worked in as although they were stock broking, they were offering decent advice and building long term relationships with their clients with a genuine interest in managing their wealth.
Analytical positions seem to be hard to come by and so whilst I like the idea of analysing markets and stocks can't see this being an easy career to get into.
Trading - there seems to be a big mix of dodgy prop houses and reputable organisations trading a wide spectrum of markets and products and so making it difficult knowing who to apply to. I was always the top of my year at Maths but didn;t go to sixth form and got an A at Alevel which seems likely to hold me back from the better positions. I like the idea of trading as you are at the centre of the markets, its a challenging environment but theres also potential to earn well and not be held back by age and company politics.

Sorry for the essay but I'd appreciate advice on where I should apply and the type of roles I should be going for. I also realise that going straight into the front office might not be possible & am looking into operations roles etc. but there still seems to be a shortage for graduates with very limited experience. Do you think having the SII Certificate improves my chances?
I don't really want to set my mind on one particular job role, one particular market/product etc as I think at the moment flexibility is the key, so excuse me if I appear very vague in what i want to do.
Any ideas appreciated