Seeking Advice


Hi guys aNd Girls....

only signed in today to this thread and really like it, really nice advices.....

I am currently in a misery.... feeling bit upset but still have high hopes..

I have recently finished my Masters in Finance and Investment from LSBU and Start applying for the jobs... hardly get any responses yet. Send my CV to cv advice companies and they have replied that CV is quite impressive...still wondering why no interview calls...

During my masters i have started working on part time basis for Marks and Spencer and just after 8 months i have been promoted to a section manager. Until now i have acheived a lot of targets, and also exceed all my KPIs.

In addition, my first degree was in IT, so have quite good understanding and knowledge of IT. my first degree was not from U.K though, during my degree i started working for a brokerage company as a sales person on internship and then gained a permananet position after that, as a trader. been trading on forex, commodoties, and Indexes for about 2 years. left my job and been to UK for higher studies... as i mentioned before finish my Msc with distinction.

Now i am thinking that cos of my interest in fund management, I should get qualification of IMC, might be that will help me to get my first step in a financial market.

Any advice will be much appreciated...
Hello Nadz, welcome welcome!!!!

After I graduated, I had this worry too, how to get into funds management? how to become a trader? how to be the next George Soros? HAHA! I sent out many many job applications for trading, analysts job, but none had responsed. I nearly given up on my dream job.

Until one day, I went for an interview as a backoffice staff in a hedge fund it changes my career direction. After a chat with the interviewer, he found that I'm not suitable for the job, because my interest and ambition are not in this area. Then he told me to ask him anything, since I had wasted my time coming down. So I asked him, how do he become a trader in the first place? He said he trade forex himself, he documents down all his trade. And when there are ads looking for forex traders, he sent out his CV together with his trades. And eventually he got the job.

So I use the same method, as I was already reasonably well in my stock investment, earning 20% - 30% a year on a consistent basis. I had also joined stock-competitions, and sent out my competition result together with my CV. After I used this method, I starts to get interviews, and finally a sales trading job, and after accumulating some expereince, I proceed on to a fund house.


Hope my advice helps.
Thanks a million.....lols seems like i am not the only one who have the problem...
Well...what advice you wanna give me to start trading, i use to trade on forex market, so should i start from there or shoud i start on CFD or spread betting. any good platform to trade lols with minimum initial deposit.

THanks once again for your reply...
Kind Regards,
For oil trading, start with super mini contract. $1 only represents US$100.
Details here: Metal Trading: Cheaper and safer way to trade oil futures

For binary trading, I use MANSION118.

Currently I participate in another stock-pick competition from America, you may want to participate yourself: Marketocracy :: Finding the Best Investors in the World

I often post my trades in this blog, you may want to take a look on a regular basis for trading ideas:
Metal Trading

Hope adminstrator does not get angry for me posting my blog, I'm trying to share trading ideas with a young man.

You graduated from a good school (LSE), shouldnt worry about your career.