Switching from Research to Trading


I have been working at an investment bank for 5 months (to Dec 05) since graduation as a pan euro blue chip equity analyst and would like to make the switch to be an equities prop trader, though i think this would be unlikely at my current bank.

#I would appreciate it if anyone had some good advice as to what skills or reading would be helpful to do this (e.g. learning any software packages)?

#Would you advise applying for another grad scheme as a trader?

#Should I wait until I at least have built up some decent experience as a researcher first (e.g. after a year or so ) to at least build up some basics?

#Would it look detrimental to move on too early?

Any other suggestions or experiences would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance guys.
andthensome said:
I have been working at an investment bank for 5 months (to Dec 05) since graduation as a pan euro blue chip equity analyst and would like to make the switch to be an equities prop trader, though i think this would be unlikely at my current bank.

What's prompted the change of heart?

andthensome said:
#I would appreciate it if anyone had some good advice as to what skills or reading would be helpful to do this (e.g. learning any software packages)?

Retuers and Bloomberg (but you'll already have them)
Diary Of A Stock Operator is probably the best book out there.

andthensome said:
#Would you advise applying for another grad scheme as a trader?

#Should I wait until I at least have built up some decent experience as a researcher first (e.g. after a year or so ) to at least build up some basics?

No and yes

andthensome said:
#Would it look detrimental to move on too early?

Very, you'll have to give it at least 18 months

andthensome said:
Any other suggestions or experiences would be very helpful.

Just hang around the trading desks as much as you can

andthensome said:
Thanks in advance guys.

You're welcome.