Job decision


Well-known member
Hi guys

I have applied to 8 trading firms for a position to start in June when I graduate. There are some which I'd prefer over others but will be grateful of any offers. I've got an interview next week with one of my least preferred firms and was wondering if they were to offer me something, could I hold out on a decision until I've heard from the rest of the firms I've applied to? If so, how long can I delay the decision for? Also, what should I be looking for from these companies?

Thanks in advance

If you wish to hold out and see if you get a better offer then you need to be telling this firm that you wont be able to confirm any offer made until nearer to June itself and you can come up with any number of reasons as to why.

Paul is right, I don't know what the competition is like to get into these firms, but don't lose sight of the fact that you are the salesman here, your are offering your enthusiasm and abilities to them. Be honest and tell them you have other interviews, they will guess that anyway, much better to have the interviews with the ones you least like first as your interview skills will grow and improve with each interview.
Thanks Paul and Roguetrader for the advice, will keep it in mind.

