Can something like Bloomberg give you an edge?


Active member
Do you think that a guy trading from home can make up the cost of buying a bloomberg? Is it worth it?
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Depends what you're trading. I wouldn't say it would give you an edge per se, as that implies it's something few other people have, whereas the reality is 99% of the institutional community have this or similar tools.

If you're a retail FX trader for example, then I think you would have nowhere near a complicated enough set of requirements to justify the outlay. But if you're a fixed income portfolio manager, it's the market standard, and you definitely need it.

So imho no, home traders are wasting their money getting a bloomberg unless they REALLY know how to use one. I've been using one for fifteen years and even I don't know if I'd bother getting one if I traded small amounts from home.

dont know how i lived without one in terms of getting the latest news and data. I use it only for commods really so half of it i dont need! Worth every penny IMO
i reckon i use something like 5% of the functionality of my bbg. in fact more than likely less.
Can something like Bloomberg give you an edge?

I doubt it, I mean my satellite TV signal can't even pick a signal up this morning for it ! Back to Teletext trading for me !

Do you think that a guy trading from home can make up the cost of buying a bloomberg? Is it worth it?

For news - it's miles ahead of - in fact, it's laughable how late stuff is on briefing, considering the cost.

If it is just news though and breaking company news at that - I would take a look at theflyonthewall - esp their audio service. They are no laggards by any means. Plus you don't need to use a pair of eyes to listen.
If everyone else moving the market has it, then you've got no edge. You're just a bit more level with them in terms of resources.
Well - I do know a guy that trades off Bloomberg news amongst many other things, I don't think it's quite a level playing field - for sure, it wouldn't be if I was trading the news immediately after the announcement. I'd certainly be handing money to someone.

I have evidence to back up the above statement too !
News Traders??? I've never really met one. Are they regualr traders that just take advantages of new events? (90% TA trader/10% News Trader) Do they generally just get the Earnings news first then trade? or just waiting around for black swans?
I guess im the Anti-News trader then.
Avoid NFPayrolls on FX
Avoid Earnings for Open Option positions
Not edge, per se, but it can make your life a lot easier, which means you have more time to come up with meaningful edge. Is that, in itself, an edge?