A hectic but profitable way to live


Hey all, I'm a retired US NAVY Veteran and I've been dabbling small time in investments and fund management. At this point I own two businesses a gas station and a small franchise that I bought through eBay (which is kind of funny) and I have managed funds with ameritrade dotcom managed funds facility (4.64) as well as liquiditygiants dotcom which gives like 4.78% returns monthly. The above is fine but I still have a problem. The businesses are pretty hectic especially because I’m getting up in age and so running up and down behind young people isn't really cutting it for me. Does anyone here have any info on bonds or more managed fund facilities that i cud sign up with? I tried babypips and surprising could not find anything, I even tried ukbusinessforums and still no luck.
If anyone can help please let me know thanks.
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well maxine its a trading school for newbies to learn how to trade if you hav any question you may jus ask