What do you say?


Experienced member
When people ask you, why don't you trade for a living, or why don't you make trading your main job, what do you say:?:
hehe Is this a really cunning way of asking, "How many of you are really making money trading?"
If they ask me that they obviously don't know me because it IS my main job. Not my main income but my main job.
Well kimo'sabby, i guess shadowninja stole my words, just follow it, follow the market and you will make a good living, in a short period of time.
Now to answer your question, noone ask me that, my ex say i dont work at all because i am allways at my pc, my fiancee say she doesnt care if i spend too much time at home if that will make us a good living and some friends wonder why they dont do the same. Just be yourself man.
Good luck.