What do market makers really like/hate about their job?


Junior member
Hey all! I'd like to know what market makers especially like or hate about their jobs. What makes people want to be a market maker?
Like .....Having someone's annoyings eye's out with a wide price

Hate....Being had over, having to be at the desk for 10 hours solid if others are off work or it's really dull (example week between xmas and new yr)
I like easy money also and I do not like people asking for trading tips at inappropriate times.
Thats such a stupid thing to say;
1. He wasn't directly asking you
2. You didn't have to reply, therefore saving yourself from dislike
3. Its hardly an inappropriate time or place

Like; You came onto his thread, to tell him that YOU don't like being asked questions. How stupid is that!

Wait a god darn minute; Maybe i misread that... Your a market maker? And you don't like it when you are trading and people come up to you and ask HOW you do it ? Or was my first interpretation correct?

Now i got yours truely all confused.
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Like .....Having someone's annoyings eye's out with a wide price

Hate....Being had over, having to be at the desk for 10 hours solid if others are off work or it's really dull (example week between xmas and new yr)

The upside of being a market maker is the money and the ability to punt around with the knowledge that client flow will bail out failed positions. The downside is having to provide liquidity at all times, especially under pressure from sales whose only desire is to print the ticket.