using 'carry trade' to make money


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FDIC's Bair says big banks aren't lending enough, using 'carry trade' to make money

NEW YORK (AP) — The head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said Tuesday she's "very worried" that the nation's biggest banks aren't lending enough and warned the economy could take another turn for the worse without increased access to credit.

FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair said the FDIC's upcoming quarterly report would show that "not many large institutions are doing a very good job of lending." Instead, she said, some are taking advantage of near-zero interest rates by borrowing dollars cheaply to buy higher-yielding assets like stocks or commodities — a move known as the "carry trade."

"I don't see much money going out (from banks). I see a lot of carry trade," Bair told a banking conference in New York. "It used to be you take deposits and you lend out money. We'd like to see more of that."

Many banks have tightened lending standards following a wave of residential and commercial property defaults. Others say they want to lend but see little demand as consumers and businesses seek to pay off debt, not take on more.

The lack of lending by large banks is dangerous at a time when many small and midsize banks are teetering on the brink amid the economic downturn, Bair said.

(more on link),0,6491966.story
yeah, you are witnessing first baby steps of capitalism in regulations.. last station is expropriation of "bad" banks and gulag
Sorry my political point of view is very biasing from mainstream UK liberal thinking and is very unpopular here. I dont want to start another flame. But some people actually may get what I meant. That was for those..

You just wait and see. If you live long enough you are going to understand in decade or two.
yeah, you are witnessing first baby steps of capitalism in regulations.. last station is expropriation of "bad" banks and gulag

I agree and i'm against it;
The media has a lot do with the expropriation potential.

The reason they get more money, is because they make more money for their companies... If the milk man can derive similar profits, then he can get great bonuses too... The reason they make money isn't as they are 'bankers'; its cause they are smart and do a very difficult job well.

The reason they get paid more is because they are able to produce great profits; which the majority of people CANNOT do and therefore they don't deserve such bonuses....
Thats the idea of capitalism. Take away banking bonuses and we may as well make entrepeneurs on minimum wage.

I'm against the regulations on capitalism; I'm sure alot of others are too.

What is your opinion on the matter Maxima?

Wait; Your views are with the lib dem?
- So you believe that the banking system and capitalism should be heavily regulated?

Or am i incorrect?