Quick Charting Question


Junior member
Hi Folks,

Can anyone point me in the right direction for charting software that can save indicators and indicator settings for specific instruments and then automatically load those settings when you click on that security without loading some form of pre saved template.

Best Regards

Most software allows you to create your own templates... Then when you change security you simply change the template to the one for that specific security.
Tells me your markets and i'll tell you which software, also price range ?

Also you can set it so that to change the setting you hold ALT + Number -
So your settings for the ES (As an example) could be
ALT + 1, therefore giving you a quick way to change the template.
That's the problem I would like to tweak indicator settings for indices, currencies, nasdaq 100 and ftse 100/250 stocks (which I know is a mega-load of work) so when I visually scan these it saves me time without having to load up a template every time(that's even if any software would allow you to save so many templates).

When I have multiple timeframes up the time factor in changing indicator settings for weekly, daily, 4hr, 1hr, 15 min and 5 min charts would make this impossible.
That's the problem I would like to tweak indicator settings for indices, currencies, nasdaq 100 and ftse 100/250 stocks (which I know is a mega-load of work) so when I visually scan these it saves me time without having to load up a template every time(that's even if any software would allow you to save so many templates).

When I have multiple timeframes up the time factor in changing indicator settings for weekly, daily, 4hr, 1hr, 15 min and 5 min charts would make this impossible.

I mainly use Pro real time. I can save my screen layouts with different Tf's, mkts, and indicators if I want to. Then when I reload the charting, Every screen appears in the correct order and in the correct monitor. If you only have one or two monitors you can make the program save all your different windows as tabs, then as you say you can just flick through them at your leisure. As for as I know there is no limit to the number of windows you can save and load, it just depends on how powerful you PC is.
Thanks for the replies guys.

Its looks like it will have to be a ton of saved templates then.

Shame, would of been a useful time saving feature for a trader like myself.

I've just contacted ProRealTime to see the max num of templates that can be saved.
You dont have to save the charts as templates, you just save your current layout. If this means 20 different charts all with different TF's and different indicators then so be it. How many charts do you want to look at? More than 20?

Metatrader 4(MT4) is free and about half the brokers use it nowadays. I don't want to make this into an advertisement so just google 'Metatrader 4 free demo' and you will get a list of dozens of Forex brokers who use the Metatrader 4 platform