trading the daily charts


Established member
anyone trade the daily charts only ?

im getting sick of sitting in front of a screen all day ,so im thinking of just trading the daily charts then i only have to check things once a day .
anyone trade the daily charts only ?

im getting sick of sitting in front of a screen all day ,so im thinking of just trading the daily charts then i only have to check things once a day .

do you get sick of it when you take 400 pips before noon?
problem with daily charts etc is you have to start thinking more what investors are doing as apposed to traders, and take much longer positions..
I'm not sure I agree with that. I'm swing trading FTSE100 stocks using dailies and using 5min charts for timing entries towards EOD. No more than 1hr screen time really. Some analysis at EOD, some more in the evening. Probably 2.5hrs per day tops.

Seems to be working for me so far although I admit it's early days at the moment.