M & A Alliance


I have been contacted by a company based in Panama City called M & A Alliance Group saying that they wish to buy my shares in a company called Savior Energy Corp which I have had for a couple of years now. I have never heard of this company and have tried Googling without sucess. Has anyone heard of them and can you tell me anything about them please
It's a scam......

If you don't believe me contact savior energy and ask them.

I wouldn't trust any company in Panama City.
They will charge you to buy your shares. They'll say they have buyers for your Reg S shares... to sell to these buyers will cost you. That's where the scam is.
I had a call from Peter Mackie of M & A Alliance on 4th April 2009, offering to buy my shares in Biosecurity Technologies, Inc. I bought 372 shares in this company in November 2006, and I know that I was the victim of a boiler room scam. Now hear this! M & A Alliance had me on their records as possessing 3,372 shares! He explained to me in a most convincing manner that the boiler room will have used my share-owner registration to buy further shares, with a view to selling these when the price rises. I want nothing to do with this further scam!

Dave the rave