Keystone Trading Course - What do you think?



I posted this on the Seminars/Tutors board but I think it may be better placed here.

I am wondering has anybody here heard of these guys - Keystone Trading Concepts?

Basically, I have been looking at some info on one of their courses and I am kind of tempted. However, I tend to be extremely skeptical of any trading "course"?

I have read a lot of books (Technical Analysis, Van Tharp, Trading in the Zone, Market Wizards, Come into my trading rm etc etc / done a lot of paper trading in the past 2.5 years. I know that trading is much more about psychology / money management than being right / predictions. I think I have a good grasp of trading but still have a ton to learn.

The thing is that I have not done any real trading and that the Keystone program (its basically scalping) will allow me to make a huge amount of trades over a relatively short (4 months) timeframe and thus give me some much needed experience. I also feel that I couldn't do this on my own at this stage as I dont have enough capital to daytrade / scalp. I know I could trade longer term positions with my $5000 but I think that this program could speed up the learning curve considerably.

My goal for doing this program is to simply make as many trades as possible and get a lot of experience.

The following is a brief outline of the course:

Keystone Premier - Short-Term Trading Course
- 7 classroom days over 4 months which cover TA, Money Management, Psychology etc. (Aimed a starting from a beginner)
- They provide you with $25000 capital and absorb your losses
- They split the Profits (if there are any!!!) with you 50:50
-You pay roughly $200 / month for ecn access (Interactive Brokers / Sterling Software (rubbish but they dont allow anything else) / charts and + commissions (20c / 1000 shares)
-- the course fee is $5000
More details are here

The question I have is:
What do you experienced traders think of this - does it sound like a scam / sound useless?

You opinions would be much appreciated,

Thanks and sorry about the long post.
