General advice please!


Junior member
Hi all,

New to the forum - seems like a friendly place, but WOW!!! HOW MUCH INFORMATION!!!!!?????

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on the following:

I started off about 10 years ago on a traded options training course. Learned a lot, but eventually bombed my account.

Did nothing until about 3 years ago, when I started looking at spread betting. This obviously appeals because it's tax free.

I've read loads of stuff on technical analysis and understand quite a bit about it. I bought Metastock a while back and have end of day data. I use Finspreads for my spread betting, and trade on US and UK stocks, indices, forex and commodities. I use Finspreads own charts for intraday movements.

I've decided that now is the time to get serious about my trading.

I'm considering spending a day with Alan Rich - I know he's on this forum and as with anything, has got mixed reviews.

I've also just stumbled across the 3 ducks setup and will be trying that out.

I want to day trade [when possible i.e. when I'm able to be at a computer, which is about 1/2 the working week], and also position trade, short term [up to 1 week].

Long term, I'd like to go full time, but know I have a LONG way to go!!!

I'd be interested to hear any thoughts on training, mentoring, and particularly on easy, simple trade set ups that I could try out.

Finally, do I need to be "trading" or can I do this purely by spread betting?

Many thanks,


There are many ways to invest money, I also do investment in real estate, stock market and forex trade. Every investment is beneficial but it totally depends how you take it. You have to invest money with a proper planning.