Things I like to keep an eye on...


Senior member
In between mince pies and shopping, I thought I'd list some of the things that I think are handy to keep an eye on and not everyone will be familiar with - not really intra day, but once a week or so. Anybody else like to add to the list, feel free...

iTraxx europe / crossover index

Keeps an index of CDS prices on corporate bonds (IIRC, Europe is most actively traded, crossover is across the spectrum of investment grades) - a crude measure of credit quality in the corporate bond markets (i.e. how likely is a firm to default, pertinent in these markets).

Markit Indices

(might have to register)

VIX Index

An index of the implied volatility of S&P 500 options (think theres one for OEX too) - useful to keep track of what the volatility in the options markets is like, i.e. higher the index => choppier markets Investment Tools

Baltic Dry Index

An index of the cost of shipping raw materials - useful for a couple of reasons; a) you dont hire a tanker unless you can fill it, so the prices reflect what is actually happening, and isn't subject to speculators inflating the price....b) most of these shipping deals work out on credit - i.e. we'll pay for the ship once we've sold our goods over there, so if no-one can get credit, no-one can pay the cash to ship the goods, so shipping gets cheaper in response. Again, pertinent... and c) it has been said to be a leading indicator of the economy... (Didn't that Dow fellow say something similar about the transportation index?) Investment Tools

US$ Dollar Index

Measures the dollar against a trade weighted basket of currencies (like the EUR, GBP, JPY, etc...). As the US$ is base currency for commodities and the major pairs, its useful to know where abouts the thing stands overall - for example, if the price of Crude shoots back up to $150 per barrell without any supply cuts / catastrophe, it might be due to the dollar falling out of the sky... and so on and so on...

CRB index

An index of commodities over a broad range of things. Pretty self explanatory really. I think the most weighting is given to petroleum products... there is a good guide somewhere on the net. Investment Tools

TED spread

the difference between 3m t-bills and LIBOR - basically, the premium the market will pay for lending to teh treasury rather than a LIBOR (AAA) rated bank Investment Tools


Not an index of market conditions as such, but usefull nonetheless, is the Comittment of Traders report - Gives you an idea of Open Interest, net Long / Short positions, and so on.... US markets only.

Commitments of Traders

Sure there are many more, depending on what products you trade - not all are relevant everywhere. Anyway, If anyone else has something they think should be added, post it with a brief explanation and a link.

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