Sectors by volume FTSE 100


Established member

I`m doing a kind of research about the FTSE-100, trying to make a map of the sectors to find out which ones have more influence on the indice level.

I got a list from LSE with every sector and the companies in it, but now I need a list with the volume of each sector or the companies.

I`m trying Google but it didn’t help much..

Any idea?
mining, banks, oil, oil equpiment are important sectors.
pm me if you want detailed volume analysis and which software to use
to construct the data yourself.
Presumably you know that large volume (block) transactions can be delayed by up to 3 days in being reported. For example, in the case of a SETSmm security, the trade must be at least 75 times the normal market size.
Given the sheer size of these trades compared to normal ones and their potential for late reporting, I would imagine you'd need to be careful about how you interpret reported volume.

glenn i didnt know about delayed reporting, have you got any links to the source
so I can investigate it more?

i tried investigating bid/ask volume but dont see any merits, so have settled for advancing/declining
voulme instead.
glenn i didnt know about delayed reporting, have you got any links to the source
so I can investigate it more?

i tried investigating bid/ask volume but dont see any merits, so have settled for advancing/declining
voulme instead.

Have a look on the LSE website, it's many years since I found the information.
Here's a link I just found quicly using Google:-

While we're on the subject, you might care to look up Dark Orders, Iceberg Orders and Hidden Orders, which if allowed and applicable to whatever you trade, will (totally ?)skew any info you see in bid/ask volume, order book etc.
My view is that volume is all smoke and mirrors, so I only use it on odd occasions, mainly in futs to add confirmation to turning points.
Just because it's there doesn't mean it's useful.


Thanks for all that info about the different orders. I trade mostly the sp500 and ftse 100
future indices. Bid/ask volume is helpful for the sp500, but not for ftse.
You can investigate if you desire to know more about bid/ask vol.

For the sp500 I also use advancing/declining volume and in the process of transferring it over for the ftse100.