Peak Oil


Active member
If you believe peak oil has been reached or only couple of years away at most, what stocks/industries would you be long and/or short right now? My choices are long solar, coal, oil services, independents and short airlines, cruise lines,trucking companies, chemical companies, refineries. Did I miss anything noteworthy? What are your favorite industries for short and long? and why? And hen would you enter?
If you believe peak oil has been reached or only couple of years away at most, what stocks/industries would you be long and/or short right now? My choices are long solar, coal, oil services, independents and short airlines, cruise lines,trucking companies, chemical companies, refineries. Did I miss anything noteworthy? What are your favorite industries for short and long? and why? And hen would you enter?

I don't do stocks but if I were to do a Buffett and look for a company with great prospects to buy then I'd go looking for anything from renewable energies that makes sense, eg bio-ethanol, hydrogen, etc, in addition to your mentioned solar power.
I wont get into Peak Oil theory or place a trade based off of it.

But as far as picks based on Oil.

I would play the Airlines on a LongTerm trading horizon. The airlines have been going through "right-sizing" their business models for the last two years and consolidating even at higher input cost thresholds. So LongTerm I would be bullish on Airlines.