Two Traders One Account


I'm trying to find information about equities trading with a partner. If an associate and myself both wanted to make trades from one account how would we set this up? I'm looking for resources regarding the type of brokerage account I should be opening, and USA tax information. I assume I'd probably be paying 2x the exchange and trading software fees.

Thanks for the help!
Mp --- Two For The Price Of ? ?

I'm trying to find information about equities trading with a partner. If an associate and myself both wanted to make trades from one account how would we set this up? I'm looking for resources regarding the type of brokerage account I should be opening, and USA tax information. I assume I'd probably be paying 2x the exchange and trading software fees.

Thanks for the help!

normally trading the account is of no problem as you can either share the same password, or set it up as a joint account. Unless Im missing something in the last 10 years or so, there is no additional charge for a joint, corporate or trust account.

along with this would come charts and all the etc (i use ameritrade for equities, and they are tied into "quotetracker" charts, which are free with an ameritrade account. Unless youre using "big board" data feed as a business entity, the prices for naz and other feeds is pretty reasonable, and the big board is not bad as long as youre NOT a business, which being a simple joint account would eliminate.

for tax purposes, probably an LLC is best in this case as there will be partners, and taxes . . . . . . . . . well, not much to say about taxes other than they exist and its the rare person indeed who likes them !

enjoy and trade well
