Maintaining useful records/logs


Legendary member
I am still unsure of the best way to record trades when trading currency pairs. I need something that covers the following scenarios:

1) I am uncertain so trade half my usual (2) lots.
2) I am very certain so double my lots to 4.
3) I trade 2 lots, after, say, 50 pips, post-news release, I close 1 lot and leave 1 lot to run.

Ignore any discussion on whether this trading method is valid. I want a way that clearly demonstrates that a specific trading system is working or not and by how much (so that I can at a later date record/monitor reward:risk ratios).

Currently, if I trade 2 lots, I would measure 1 pip to be 1 pip and record the profit or loss. If I trade double the normal lots (ie 4 lots), I would measure 1 pip to be 2 pips to signify an increased risk and increased reward. And if I close half the position then the remainder is recorded as 1 pip for every 2 pips of movement.

Otherwise, the number of pips profit (loss) would vary compared to actual money.

Thoughts, please?

(And, yes, if you hadn't guessed, my degree was in mathematics.)
Why not just record lots or confidence with open and close price.

Then you can excel or soemthing later to analyse.
Hm, yes, maybe recording the raw data is a way forward. It still leaves things unanalysed at the end of each week (I put together a weekly report; a habit from when I used to work).
OK so start by deciding what analysis you want and then deduce what data you will need for this and then record it.
Hm. I am beginning to think that maybe I just record the raw pips because that is essentially what my system is profiting with; and keep the equity/account balance separate. I suppose in the end it doesn't matter how many lots I open as that is pretty much suggested by the size of the account and the rate of growth/shrinkage.
I disagree.

You may lose more of your uncertain trades. If you dont record this data then your analysis will be limited and potentially flawed.
Could use a % or a weighting system

eg 2 lots equals 100% or 1, so 3 lots equals 150% or 1.5 etc etc

then multiply by pips gained/lost to reconcile to £££.
