Trading numbers


Junior member
Hi Guys,

I was wondering what in your opinion the average hit % of making a successful trade. I know that strategy is more important managing your losers and winners but I was curious what kinda level you should / can expect. I am too new to trading to have a statistically significant number, but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing what sort of trading success you guys have and maybe elude to your strategy (points win / loss) / risk management.

I don't do any intra-day stuff, so the only thing I really take account of (monthly) is profit (or loss!), and then convert this into rolling gain per last 12 months. I get a bit concerned if I haven't made much profit plus haven't done many trades in the month - those two together get me looking deeper at what I've been doing. I don't ever calculate win rate.
Hi Guys,

I was wondering what in your opinion the average hit % of making a successful trade. I know that strategy is more important managing your losers and winners but I was curious what kinda level you should / can expect. I am too new to trading to have a statistically significant number, but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing what sort of trading success you guys have and maybe elude to your strategy (points win / loss) / risk management.


you are doing well to beat 50% over long term ....its all down to cutting those losers to very low losses and running the size of the winners thats important

Every strategys will have different win% - does not make a high winning % systems better than one with a lower winning %. In my experience shorter timeframe systems will look for higher winning % and vice versa.
Every strategys will have different win% - does not make a high winning % systems better than one with a lower winning %. In my experience shorter timeframe systems will look for higher winning % and vice versa.

Yes it's true and I come to conclusion that best system is what you personally developed, not paid or free one because they are made to make money for their creators either way
The answer should be relevant as per your trading capacities and abilities to handle risks. From my view point, a smart trader always tries to put his best to achieve a success but no percentage can actually define success. For this reason, I personally try to evaluate my success as per risk return criteria. The reason behind this: when a trader tries to make success evaluation on his return only it can give him false concept.
its a Catch 22 situation........the more you try to increase your average return per winning trade the less your % win rate will become....

getting this ratio right in your head is incredibly important for a trader......for example the turtles experiment was incredibly low win rates but huge tail returns on a few trades .........most of the traders couldnt handle that over time and chased smaller wins for higher % win rates

the human brain cannot handle the drawdowns .......we all gravitate towards higher win rates unles we are incredibly confident in our system and disciplined
