anybody using openecry??


Junior member
just a general question:

is anybody using here openecry as a broker and if so how is it trading with them??
i am using a demo for now but would like to know if the normal account is the same
it seems to be now on the demo that there is no round-trip costs and the margin only seems to be $500 for the emini's NQ,ES and YM
did not find yet what the costs are for real stream data but i'll keep on looking for that

all answer are welcome

a great trading day to you all
blewoutmyaccount said:
the only thing i found out is that if you open an account you have to deposit $5000
for 5k i would think you could trade about 2 lots ym mini. if you look at i brokers figures i would think they would be the same as its all set by the exchange.