why so slow on the portfolio with company splits

Hi I have some Savills PLC shares (SVS) and in the last couple of days they have done a 2 for 1 split. I deal through Barclays when it comes to these shares and monitor them on ADVFN.

The trouble is when ever one of these splits happens it completely messes up the totals on the portfolio, not just within my actual account I deal in but also any other site I create a portfolio, to watch what is happening, ie ADVFN. Why is this not computerised and updated either instantaneously or the next day? It takes days before the account looks normal again.

It is not that complicated but seems to be such an effort for them to get your portfolio sorted. Alright I realise what goes on within the company who did the split might be quite involved but when you come to dealers portfolios and a 2 for 1 offer, it's not brain surgery is it?

At the end of the day it is sometimes nice to check whether I have done well lately or not but upon opening my account I find it showing a massive drop. Last night SVS who I was doing ok with up until now, showed a 50% drop in one day (ouch) but it was only the 2 for 1 thing going on, but what a mess it made of my figure totals.

Anyone know why it takes so long to update?