Traders International Numbers


Junior member
Does anyone know the numbers and parameteres Traders International (.com) uses for their stochastic and MACD? I want to run a comparison during a free demo and see if my live feed follows theirs. Always a little skeptical of any thing like this. Thanks I appreciate it. You can pm me if needed.
Traders Internation Stoch and MACD Numbers

XcessFun said:
I have the Parameters.
Do you want them for eSignal, TStation or what ?

I could use the numbers for trade station.

Thanks in advance for your help!
I thought Traders International had been exposed as scammers over on ET? there seems to be some credence in the claims that the CFTC are investigating them
Is the system working for you? I thought Traders International was a to good to be true scam.
I'm interested in hearing about this... do they match the TI charts? Are they scammers? Any feedback? It's been months...