ROSE - Why additionally block traffic? - Meaning


Junior member
Hello all.

This has been bugging me for a while ever since i first read the book Reminiscences of a stock operator by Jesse Livermore.

In the last line of the book it states: "Why additionally block traffic?"

Could someone tell me the meaning of this and its context? Is it something they used to say or is it a phrase or something of meaning? (Or was it put in to say that he had nothing else left to say and said everything already?)

Just been bugging me for a while thats all....

Thank you.
Hello all.

This has been bugging me for a while ever since i first read the book Reminiscences of a stock operator by Jesse Livermore.

In the last line of the book it states: "Why additionally block traffic?"

Could someone tell me the meaning of this and its context? Is it something they used to say or is it a phrase or something of meaning? (Or was it put in to say that he had nothing else left to say and said everything already?)

Just been bugging me for a while thats all....

Thank you.

Anyone know at all what its meaning is? (Bump).
It means that you should beware of getting in the way of your own success by looking for riches in paths where you're sure to lose them.

There is no special meaning to the sentence, it's a rhetorical device. Good advice nonetheless.
I have the annotated copy of the book. It doesn't offer anything on that section.
He writes: "There is no asphalt boulevard to success in Wall Street or anywhere else. Why additionally block traffic?"

My interpretation of what he is trying to convey is that there are no roads or signposts to guide you to success in Wall Street or anywhere else so why make things even more difficult by putting barriers in your way.

I suppose it would be like saying: There is no map to success in Wall Street or anywhere else. Why additionally wear a blindfold?

He writes this after making the point about acting on tips. So acting on tips would be the equivalent of blocking traffic or wearing a blindfold.

That's the way I read it anyway...
I think it is just another way of saying 'why make it even harder for yourself' by trading on tips, but it probably also means why make it even harder for everyone else by spreading tips yourself.
My interpretation of what he is trying to convey is that there are no roads or signposts to guide you to success in Wall Street or anywhere else so why make things even more difficult by putting barriers in your way.
Just logged in to thank everyone for the meaning!

Once again, Thanks.

It makes sence now.
