Philosophy in Trading


Junior member
If you do not answer to objective reality in your trading you're f'd.

Traders can make money for all the wrong reasons but they will never regard the underlying mechanisms to the market (and extract the market's full potential) if the correct philosophy is not transmuted into your trading... said another way, if your trading is not inundated with real, integrated philosophy, you're doomed.

1) Get out there and TRADE, darn it!

It's funny when people get on the MKT just to "be careful." That's like trying to tiptoe in a mosh-pit. Or going on the football field try to not hit anyone. Or taking just ONE hit of acid (you sissy)... And scalpers... oh, you scalpers... that's like running up behind a bull, poking him in the rear and running away laughing like a child while your friends watch and laugh with you - oh, you're having so much fun. Then you do it again and again and you're so thrilled! But finally, that bull gets a hold of you and F'S YOU UP and suddenly all of the "thrill" you got just wasn't worth it as you lie mauled and trampled on the ground. You're on the market to MAKE MONEY. If you want to make money - get your hind in there and accept the fact that you're going to lose no matter what. Embrace your losses because you know you can't profit any other way if it weren't for them because they tell you EXACTLY what you're doing wrong (or, they should at least.) Grab the bull (sheesh... too punny) by the horns and head butt him and punch him in the eyes - and take your beating - and then that beating will feel SO GOOD while you're eating the carcass that night... and you'll want more. You like the meat but you think you like the beatings more because if it weren't for the beatings then there's no meat. That doesn't mean be careless though...

aaahh... that was fun. More coming.
Nice philosophy michael, however I would get banned for posting links to the sites that you are REALLY after. If enjoying being beaten after a days trading is yer thing then by all means go for it. I just go down the BAR like most people.