MT4 or MT5 at GO Markets?

Hi mate,

I currently use 4 and have done for a long time now. Looked at 5 in some depth but have no reason to change as my personal indicators and management ea are programmed in mql4. They do not share the same language so you cannot interchange code.

If you dont use custom written indys/eas then you can take your pick. 5 does have more features, you are not limited to the standard 9 timeframes, there are more standard indicators, there are now 5 order types etc etc etc

I would go for 5 unless you have specific attachment to 4 which it sounds like you do not.

Maybe try both as you can download both from your broker surely?
Hi Jason,

As far as im aware the new order types are the 'buy stop limit' and the 'sell stop limit' which is a combo of the standard stop/limit order. Could come in handy I suppose.

One thing I think is quite significant is you no longer can open positions in seperate directions on the same instrument (I think, please correct me if this is wrong anyone who actively uses mt5)

May not bother some, but for hedging strategies may be a big problem!
