What is the best market to trade in right now?

He's a broker. He has his edge already - regardless of the markets his clients trade.

I'm not knocking it either - great business model.
I always prefer stocks in NYSE and NASDAQ as they are the ones most covered in the media, and I can track the spreading of their news using SensoBeat's buzz tracking tool.
Roman Road at the end where the two bakers are. Wicked price action at lunch time and when the schools kick out.
Index futures. Be choosy, reduce your risk, and once you're safe let them run trailing out. They move nicely and you can get a low percentage of losses with big hits fairly regularly. The active times are good for those in the UK.
Right now with the market in such a tight trading range I think some of the weekly options are good for credit opportunities without having to go out long on the time front in case volatility creeps back in and premiums rally. Oil is definitely the most volatile but too hard to trade right now as it is so news driven.
I think Forex is the best market for trade in these days as well as Gold and Silver market.

This is interesting. Just like the dot.com bubble I believe that the early signs of a gold & silver bubble will be when more and more people (newbies?) show an interest in trading them. T2W would be my canary in the coal mine and so far, so good.