Challenge of sorts


Active member
Made the dangerous mistake of thinking this morning,whilst looking at the snow covered ground.

Anyway had an idea, there are tonnes of new traders coming through the door every day signing up to scams and phony systems etc and I was thinking/wondering has anyone here ever taken on a learner trader?

I would up for teaching anyone, who is new to the game, whether I am qualified to teach well thats down to opinion/performance. But would it maybe be worth a topic where people can post if they are willing to teach (free off course) and if anyone wants a tutor for x amount of time then there you go happy days.

Just hitting a ball and seeing what comes back really,

Er, isn't this similar to starting a trading journal? Then people are free to dip in and out as they please?
Not really, trading journals are a lot more casual, and IMO you end with a dozen people offering different views and opinions, you have a mentor they can give you clear direction, as a learner you are learning from them. I have been fortunate I had 2 or 3 experienced traders that i spoke/speak to near enough every day, I found it worked for me.

Was just a suggestion.

I occasionally speak in PMs to newbies in the hope of saving them from evil clutches (yes, I don't charge). See my recent thread about the matter...
I occasionally speak in PMs to newbies in the hope of saving them from evil clutches (yes, I don't charge). See my recent thread about the matter...

Yes something along these lines but more frequent, I Qm trying to replicate what i was fortunate to receive god knows how many thousands I saved. I reckon from you could take a blank newbie and have them turning a profit all on their own within 3 months. This depends how much on their willing to put into it effort wise.

Personally I'd say it cant be done, but just out of interest, how would you achieve that ?

K, assuming the person starting out has pretty much no trading experience and is not influenced by other styles etc.

They would be given a reading list , of pretty much the books I have read not all directly involved in trading, some more geared towards having the "right" outlook on life.

The twelve weeks would be broken down with various topics/objectives to be covered. The schedule would be pretty intense, when I learned(still learning like everyone else) I was reading,studying 7 days a week, the rest of my life got put on a back burner, but I tend to get like this when I find something I really like, I put everything into it or whats the point?

They would be paper trading after the first week of prep, until 6 weeks before course end, when they would be trading with real coinage.

Perhaps 3 months is a little ambitious but definitely no more than 6 months.

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I've trained people over the years on an ad hoc basis, and as much as I enjoy 'teaching' - this is the imparting of knowledge followed by the look of comprehension in the pupil's eyes - my conclusion was that 'trading' and 'teaching' are inherently conflicting.

Trading is almost, by definition, a selfish activity.. zero sum game, every man for himself.

Teaching is altruistic and unbounded and usually requires the teacher to provide something for no obvious reward.

You can trade and you can teach, but teaching trading.. I don't get it.. unless of course you are being remunerated.
Yeah this is actually very good advice. Actually weather you teach them or not but the experience guys must guide the newbies to save their selves from the traps of scums...