Ig index - subject access request - fail


Active member
In order to prepare my defence against IG Index's recent bankruptcy petition against myself I made a Subject Access Request for information under the Data Protection Act. I paid the statutory £10. The information is supposed to be supplied within 40 days. IG did not manage to supply the information I requested withing the 40 days or even before the hearing.
After over 5 months here is the conclusion of my complaint to the Information Commisioner:

" From all of the information that is now available to me it appears that IG Indexhave failed to comply with the sixth principle in this case. This is because you did not receive a full response to your request within the time limit permitted by the DPA.
In the light of this it is my assessment that it is unlikely that IG Index have complied with the DPA in this case"

How can a hi tech company not be able to supply personal data?
Wow, if you owed them enough that they wanted to persue this course of action is quite amazing that they were unable to back their cause up.:LOL: but if it worked out for you then I hope it will give you the second wind to make your life work out for you.

Will all sincerity all the best and choose your path carefully.:clover: