Please Change the PM Image Verification


Seriously - can you change it so that it puts in more commonly known words ?

I'm having a real hard time with it as it is prompting me for words I don't know how to spell.

Many thanks

Yes, some of them seem to have been written in YE OLDE ENGLISH font so you can't make out what the letters are.
Please re-read first post.

Ask yourself. Could the OP be taking the pi$$ perchance ?
:) Message now removed although often the words are so distorted that it is possible to get it wrong.

I strongly endorse this question/request.

I know the verification is there for a good reason, but, come's overkill, OTBT, too much.

And why do we have to do the flipping verification just to do a flippin preview?

My eyes may be cr@p but I have difficulty reading at least 50% of these perishing things and have to ask for another. And the audio prompt malarkey is even worse.
Yeah, kill the verification crap. It’s more trouble than the occasional spam we used to get which we're ‘protected’ from by this abortion of an idea.

Plus, give us back the ability to PM more than one member at a time.

Gossip is really tough in these conditions…